Last month, the Samsung Corp launched the Galaxy J2. Even if its configuration is not high, is an entry-level, but it still meets a part of people, those who do not need a high configuration of mobile phones.
"Hello, I'm Jenny. I'm going to buy a simple cell phone as a backup machine. I just want to use this phone to send and receive text messages and phone calls. And I love the Samsung mobile phone. I now use the phone is Samsung S6. I know that the latest Samsung released a new phone - Galaxy J2. J2 is quite satisfied with my appetite. So I'm going to buy a J2. But I want to import the original S6 contacts into the J2, what should I do?"
I believe you must want a simple way to achieve your requirements. And I recommend you to use Mobile Transfer.
Mobile Transfer is a safe, efficient and stable data transmission software. You can use the software to transfer, backup, recover and delete data. You can also transfer data in two different mobile phones. You only need to prepare two USB lines and two mobile phones, as well as the data can be transferred according to the prompt operation. And we have a related tutorial. If you still don't understand how to do it, please continue to watch it.
Mobile Transfer is a safe, efficient and stable data transmission software. You can use the software to transfer, backup, recover and delete data. You can also transfer data in two different mobile phones. You only need to prepare two USB lines and two mobile phones, as well as the data can be transferred according to the prompt operation. And we have a related tutorial. If you still don't understand how to do it, please continue to watch it.
3 Steps to Transfer Contacts from Old Samsung to Galaxy J2
Step 1. Install Mobile Transfer and Select Transfer Mode
Please download and install Mobile Transfer to your computer. And then run it. Next, the program main interface has four options, please select "Phone To Phone Transfer" and click on "Start" to move on.
Step 2. Connect Your Phones to Your Computer
Connect your phones to your computer with the USB line. Because you want to transfer data from S6 to J2, so you need to make the S6 display on the left, and the J2 display on the right, if not, you can through the "Flip" button to achieve this requirement.
Step 3. Transfer Contacts to Galaxy J2
You can transfer S6’s contacts to J2. You just need to find and check the "Contacts" in the middle of the window, and then click "Start Transfer". In the end only a few minutes you will be able to successfully transfer contacts. You should remember not to disconnect the phone from your computer when you are transferring contacts.